Cancer Child

cancer child

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born from June 22nd to July 22nd. Emotional and family-oriented, Cancer men and women make for extremely fulfilling relationships and likewise it is a delight to raise a Cancer child.

A Little Dreamer

   People born into the sign of Cancer tend to be dreamers and the same might be true of your little one as well. A Cancer child is usually happiest while ranging free in his own world of dreams and ideas. You may seem them perfectly content to snuggle up with a book on their lap or watch television instead of going out to play with other kids, unless it is an activity that really interests them. When in a group, a Cancer child will most likely go along with the flow instead of taking the initiative like an Aries child or perhaps remain completely passive about what’s going on. The best way to get them involved is to encourage them to come up with their own games or ideas about how best to play them. Cancer children are highly imaginative beings and once left to themselves can surprise you with their creative output, whether in terms of ideas or material result.

A Shy Personality

   Cancer children are believed to be shy and far from forthcoming about what they want and how they feel. This can be difficult for a parent who is expected by their Cancer child to exactly understand their needs and wants and offer these without being asked to. Since Cancer children are often intuitive about other people’s feelings, they expect others~ or their parents at least~ to have the same sixth sense as it were. If you find yourself perpetually guessing what is going on behind that angelic smile of your child, try to establish a system of clear and easy communication with them. Once you, if you give your little Cancer the freedom to speak their minds and to tell you what they need when they need it, you will not only find them discarding their shyness but actually blossoming into self-assured individuals.

Their Famed Moodiness

   While it is true that Cancer children do not have the forthrightness of an Aries or the vehemence of a Scorpio, they are rarely shy to the point of hiding the truth. If they love you they will tell you and if they disagree with you they will also tell you. This kind of quiet honesty is often misconstrued as moodiness. For one day you may find your kid taking immense delight in a warm snuggle with you while the next day when you go up to them, they may calmly tell you that this is not the time for a cuddle and that they want to play with their toys now. Likewise, you need to leave it to your little Cancer to decide when they want to share things with you and when they need to be left alone. If they are in the mood, they might tell you how so-and-so hurt their feelings today at school. But if they are not in the mood to share confidences, nothing you can say will prod them to explain. Like the Crab whose sign they bear, they will simply retreat into their shells till the time they feel like coming out again. Thus as a parent, your best route to communication with a Cancer child is acceptance and gentle guidance. Let their personality come through and don’t try to change them or make them talk until they are ready to.

Living In A World Of Emotions

   Like the adults, Cancer children too live in a world of emotions. They are sensitive to how people around them handle their feelings and desires and can edge away if met with indifference or aggression. So if your Cancer child is concerned about a playmate, make sure you hear them out and reciprocate with compassion instead of telling them to forget about problems that have nothing to do with them. Above all Cancer children need to feel emotionally close to people they love, including their parents, and in tune with what they are thinking and feeling in order to feel happy and loved. The downside of this emotional nature is a tendency to be over-sensitive. Cancer children thus are more prone to get hurt by unfeeling remarks or rude words from other children at play or school. The best thing for you to do is to make them feel loved and assured at home and build in their inner strength so that they can better cope with a sometimes unfeeling world.

A Nurturing Heart

   One of the greatest delights of bringing up a Cancer child is to see them love and nurture you like a little adult, probably because they have the Moon as the governing planet which enhances their caring and feminine aspects. You can trust your little Cancer to cuddle up with you and shower you with kisses and hugs when they are in the mood. If they see you tired or in pain very often they will take it upon themselves to care for you in the manner they fit. They will not only tell you how to love them but they will also tell you how you need to be loved. However, sometimes in their desire to nurture, Cancer children can get slightly overbearing or they might insist that their way of expressing love and care is the best. When met with opposition, a Cancer child will usually argue their cause with all the passion at their disposal and sometimes even snap with their crab-like claws. At such times, it is up to you as a parent to explain to your child that sometimes the best way to nurture and care for another person is by listening to them and giving them love in a way that works for them.  Not everyone is a lost lamb in search of a shepherd.  And finally, not everyone who disagrees with them is wrong.

Surround Them With Family Love

   Family ties are extremely important to all Cancers, but to children it is crucial for their very upbringing. They thrive best when in the midst of a loving family. However, sometimes they may display a tendency to play favorites with a parent~ not only depending more on that parent but also getting overly possessive about them. The best remedy in such situations is not to allow the child’s need for anyone but rather ensure that your child gets equal quality time with both parents.

Time For Play

1. Their imagination is going to be their best friend.
2. Homemade toys will be a favorite of theirs and allow them to be creative.
3. Soft, cuddly stuffed animals and teddy bears will not go to waste on these children, and they love the comfort and security of a hug.
4. Anything that will be a creative outlet is going to keep this child engrossed.

For the first few months of life, they will be shy and resist anyone else except their mother. Because of their natural love of water, bath time should be a pleasant experience. Due to their shyness, they will need lots of approval and encouragement to explore outside their comfort zone.

They constantly want to please and hate to have anyone disappointed in their behavior or actions. This child is rarely considered a “follower” or a “leader”; they beat to their own drum and thrive on independence. These are the children to get a paper route or have a lemonade stand on the side walk, as they don’t want to depend on an allowance to be their source of income.

Of the zodiac signs, Cancer children are not a concern to be the most difficult to raise and/or discipline, which is good news for parents.

Tips For Parents With A Cancer Child

1. Keep them secure and reassured, but prepare them mentally for the cold reality of the world.
2. Help them express emotions in a healthy way as they may become nasty and unruly, if depressed or sad.
3. Humor is going to be a useful tool when dealing with your Cancer child.
4. They can get moody and this is going to be a challenge for parents to control.
5. Cancer children will have a “needy” tendency, and parents need to be the ones to let go~ or cut the apron strings~ at the appropriate time.
6. Emotional development of this child may be hampered and a bitter attitude may develop, if their sensitivity is ignored by their parents.
7. Their vivid imagination and creativity should not be stifled; it is an important way for them to express themselves.
8. Dear Parents, please note that an extra dose of patience may be necessary in raising your child who is born under the horoscope sign of Cancer (aka: the CRAB).
9. They do appreciate their own space, if possible.

If the behavior of saving everything is not dealt with in their young years, Cancer children may grow up to be considered “hoarders”, as they will not be able to toss away or donate stuff they no longer use.

Cancer Compatibility

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The following are sun sign comparisons for Cancer the Crab. Which signs match with Cancer? 



ARIES often feels smothered by demands of family and even friends. CANCER, on  the other hand, is very devoted to family needs and the inner, emotional needs  of others. ARIES may, without realizing it, selfishly accept CANCER’s nurturing  and giving, while contributing relatively little to the relationship on an  emotional level. ARIES’s need for autonomy and independence often conflicts with  CANCER’s needs for closeness, intimacy, and mutual dependency. ARIES seems  selfish, impersonal, and indifferent to CANCER at times, and CANCER may feel too  needy and emotionally sensitive compared to ARIES. ARIES can learn compassion  from CANCER, and CANCER can learn to be more independent, but it’s likely to be  a rough road at times with much adjustment needed on both sides.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



Both of you are very domestic and appreciate the simple joys of life. Others  find the two of you to be very warm, friendly, and caring, and your soft and  considerate attitude is greatly appreciated by your friends. If you have  children, then you are very dedicated and involved parents. The two of you would  enjoy living in a quiet, fairly secluded place away from hustle and bustle.  CANCER is very emotional, very attached to family and familiar surroundings and  easily upset by any form of cruelty; TAURUS’s practical, grounded approach to  life and gentle manner is very much appreciated by CANCER.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



CANCER is usually the one who takes care of family affairs -writing letters to  family members, visiting family members, providing the emotional support and  care needed by children (and adults!), and, in general, is more attentive to  people’s feelings and emotional needs. CANCER is also more attached to the past,  fond memories, places, and friends than GEMINI. Sometimes GEMINI is indifferent  to the concerns of CANCER, and often simply cannot become as emotionally  involved about an issue or situation as CANCER. Even if GEMINI is a caring,  sensitive person, you still find concerns are expressed differently and are  directed less personally than those of CANCER. GEMINI often wants to approach  problems intellectually by discussing them whereas CANCER seeks a change in  attitude and feels that talking often evades the underlying problems.
Many of the misunderstandings between you arise because GEMINI is more  emotionally detached and rational, while CANCER is more subjective, emotionally  involved, and unable to be as articulate and “reasonable” as GEMINI is.  Paradoxically, you are attracted to one another for the same reason! GEMINI’s  mental agility and wit appeals to CANCER, CANCER’s sensitivity and depth of  feeling is attractive to GEMINI, and you both have much to learn from one  another.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



Both of you are very sensitive, sympathetic and emotional, with moods that shift  and change like the tides. Though you may hide behind a shell of equanimity or  indifference, you are really very easily hurt and take almost everything  personally. You both have deep feelings for, and sentimental attachments to, the  past, your home and family, or anything or anyone you once had a close  affiliation with (school, home town, friends, etc.). If your backgrounds are  very different, this may be more of a problem for you both than it would be to  other people, because your identification with your origins is so strong.
Both of you need to be needed, and desire a very close, secure, loving and  protective relationship. Family or domesticity is extremely important to you.  Because of your empathy for one another, and your similar temperaments, you  blend quite well together.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



Both of you take life very personally, probably more personally than you  realize. Your feelings and your pride are easily wounded by criticism or lack of  appreciation from the people you care about. There can be an unusually warm  loving bond between you, though your temperaments are quite different. LEO is  very proud and wants recognition, appreciation, respect, and love from a  partner. CANCER wants to be needed and desires sympathy, tenderness, and  emotional support from a partner. LEO has difficulty accepting and expressing  needs, sadness, or weakness, and is uncomfortable when CANCER expresses doubts,  insecurities, weaknesses, or moodiness.
LEO is the more dominant of the two of you and is likely to take the lead in  your relationship – which is fine with CANCER, who has no need to be on top.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



Both of you are inclined to mood changes that, at times, can irritate each  other. For example, CANCER experiences periods of melancholy, tenderness,  concern, worry, nostalgia and sentimentality, which VIRGO may not understand or  sympathize with. VIRGO can suddenly become irritated and irascible over minor  annoyances, and at such times, is capable of intense sarcasm and criticism,  which can be extremely disconcerting to CANCER’s tender, sensitive feelings.  VIRGO must be prudent, and CANCER must strive to be forgiving when things go a  little awry. However, you are both capable of enormous devotion to one another  (and to your children if you have them), and taking care of one another comes  naturally to you.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



There are some similarities between you, and also some significant differences  in your temperaments and needs.
Both of you are thoughtful, considerate, sensitive to, and aware of, other  people’s needs. Having good personal relationships is very important to both of  you, and you make harmony and peace in your personal lives a very high priority.  You both avoid conflict and confrontation if at all possible.
The differences are thus: LIBRA is more objective, rational, and fair compared  to CANCER, who is subjective, emotional, and biased by personal sympathies and  loyalties. Though seemingly sympathetic, LIBRA can be surprisingly cool and  intellectual when problems arise between the two of you. CANCER responds very  personally and emotionally. LIBRA needs more communication and conversation than  CANCER seems to.
Also, LIBRA wants to relate as an equal and a peer, while CANCER wants to mother  or be mothered by a partner. So CANCER is more comfortable with becoming  emotionally or financially dependent on a partner (or having the partner  dependent in that way), while LIBRA wants a more egalitarian relationship. These  differences can cause misunderstandings between you, but rarely are they a  source of major conflict.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



It is so very easy to attach yourselves to each other! Because each of you  possesses a powerful feeling nature and a tendency to bond intensely with  important people in your lives, you sense in each other a basic similarity in  temperaments and goals. There are differences, of course, in your natures, but  this overall similarity can strengthen the bond between you. CANCER often feels  more compassion and sympathy for others, while SCORPIO may view CANCER’s  feelings as sentimentality. When wounded, SCORPIO sometimes tends towards being  resentful. CANCER, on the other hand, is more apt to sulk or withdraw when hurt,  and usually lets the other person know (generally in a nonverbal manner!) about  it. SCORPIO, by contrast, hides hurt more readily.
You may also have different attitudes towards sexuality versus love. For  example, CANCER may feel that SCORPIO is sometimes more driven by instinct and  lust than by love, and this may become an issue in your relationship. Overall,  though, the intense bonding and emotionality of your relationship fosters a  deep, lasting attachment between you. Intimacy is likely to come more easily to  you as a couple than it does for others, and loyalty is important to you both.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



Your natures are so different that you are bound to clash at times. Very often  when SAGITTARIUS feels the urge to travel, explore, expand, and follow a new  star, CANCER feels just the opposite: the urge to be close to family, to  establish roots, to have children and provide for them, to be near close  friends. SAGITTARIUS’s desire for freedom and exploration is often at cross  purposes with CANCER’s need for security.
SAGITTARIUS tends to also be philosophical and detached about personal matters  while CANCER takes a much more personal, subjective, compassionate, and  emotional approach to life. Although in theory your differences can complement  each other, and sometimes they do, there are times when you will have to be very  creative and imaginative to find ways to meet everyone’s needs.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



In many ways the two of you are opposites. CANCER needs a lot of domestic and  family activities. Nurturing others and personal involvement with others is a  necessary part of life for CANCER. Family and close friends are extremely  important for CANCER, while CAPRICORN often becomes emotionally detached from  personal affairs and may fail to fully appreciate CANCER’s more personal,  emotional responses to situations. CAPRICORN may seem dry and perhaps overly  ambitious to CANCER.
Your differences can serve to complement each other only if you really  understand and appreciate each other. Both of you do seek security, consistency,  and fidelity in relationships, so there is a reasonably good chance that over  time you will develop a greater appreciation for each other’s opposite  qualities.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



CANCER is more attached to family, more nostalgic, and more domestic than  AQUARIUS. AQUARIUS is very friendly but not as emotionally involved with family  and has much broader tastes and interests. CANCER, for example, becomes very  emotionally attached to familiar surroundings and is inclined to live in one  place for a long time. AQUARIUS, on the other hand, is more willing to follow  whatever direction that career changes and other demands necessitate. AQUARIUS  quickly makes new friends and does not need as high a degree of intimacy as  CANCER and therefore finds the transition to new surroundings much easier.  CANCER is also more concerned with having financial and material security and is  more inclined to worry if circumstances are not stable and secure. CANCER needs  to be needed and wants a level of emotional bonding and nurturing that AQUARIUS  may be incapable of.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)



There is a tremendous flow of feeling, sympathy, and emotional rapport between  you, and you feel that your partner understands and empathizes with you in a way  few others do. Both of you are sensitive, intuitive, receptive, and  compassionate people, easily moved by emotional appeals or needs of others. A  deep mutual appreciation of music and the arts is also likely.
The differences between you are: PISCES’s sympathies are more broad and  universal than CANCER’s, who is more concerned with family or others who are  personally dear to CANCER. “Our family” or “our circle” matters more to CANCER  than to PISCES, who treats friends and strangers more equally. PISCES can be a  little lax when it comes to remembering significant personal dates, like  anniversaries or birthdays, whereas CANCER never is. Fortunately this difference  is rather minor and unlikely to be much of problem between you.

Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)

Color Codes – Sun Signs – Quick Interpretation:

Very Compatible - TrineMagenta Pink is Hot – Your Sun signs are trine. Your individual emotional dispositions are similar enough to understand, and different enough to be exciting.

Electric Attraction - ConjunctCrimson Red is Bang-On – You share the same Sun signs. Your emotional natures are so similar, it’s uncanny. Your relationship is very intense.

HarmoniousLight Purple is Harmonious – Your Sun signs are sextile. You appreciate one another’s emotional style. It’s easy to collaborate with one another.

Opposites AttractPink is Opposites Attract! – Your Sun signs are opposite. You find each other fascinating, frustrating, and intriguing–all at the same time!

Compatibility QuestionableBeige is Huh? – Your Sun signs are semi-sextile. You don’t really understand each other’s styles of expressing emotions. Your relationship requires some adjustments.

InconjunctOlive is Paradox – Your signs are inconjunct. If an attraction exists, it’s magnetic and binding, but it’s hard to find the reason for it, and plenty of adjustments are necessary.

Squaring OffGreen is Clash – Your Sun signs are square. It’s very challenging to understand each other’s styles of expressing feelings, and clashes are frequent.

How To Seduce Cancer Man

images (1)   You meet this guy and you think, “wow he is so nice”. You might hear him in the supermarket say, “love you too mom,” as he hangs up his cell phone. Cancer man is sensitive and caring wrapped up in a manly package. Getting him is not as easy as one would think. Think of your favorite romantic comedy and apply it here. There are high points and a few low points, then some reassuring and proving your love. Once you have a Cancer man, he is yours. A Cancer man will never hurt the one he loves.

   He is truly compassionate, warm, funny and cares about everyone and every-thing. That is something that comes natural to a Cancer. From saving the earth to finding that stray pup a home, he wants the world to be a wonderful and safe place. Cancer man likes safe and traditional. He needs to feel that you will stand by him through it all. When he comes home to you he needs to feel that he is safe at home and nothing can get him. Home is a natural environment for Cancer man. He loves spending time there with his mate having a good dinner and watching a good movie. Make him feel safe and everything is yours.

   He needs reassurance that things are right. The need for reassurance often causes a Cancer man to be very shy and introverted to begin with. You may have to make the first move and ask him out. Simple and traditional is the way to go. Extra points if you invite him home for dinner, for a Cancer loves home cooked meals. He loves all things homemade, from food to the little heart you might draw over the letter “i” on a love note. He needs to know you care and you are just as committed as he is. The first date should be full of questions about him and his past. He loves his childhood and his family and would love to share every story with you. He likes to be touched so do it every chance you get. Cancers are ruled by the moon, so he will appreciate your understanding and compassion. Once he feels your compassion and knows it’s genuine, his pants will want to come down.

   Be his friend first. Let him know this. Let him know that before you want to make love, you want to make sure this will work for the long haul. The more he hears and knows you want a commitment and true relationship the more special he will view you; say “long-term” he will be right there to give it to you~ both the relationship and his member. If there ever is a zodiac sign to be honest with about a broken heart, it is the Cancer. He will be there for you and make sure it will never happen again on his watch. The Cancer guy craves a deep and meaningful relationship. Being able to connect with someone on various levels is imperative. Get to know the people that are close to him, like his parents or best friend. If you win them over you may have won half the battle. For all the safety and security you try to provide for him, he will provide right back.

  When it comes time to bed your Cancer man, be prepared for a night to remember. He will draw it out for hours. Foreplay will be slow and meticulous. You will feel every ounce of passion he feels toward you. He will make sure that you are happy. Just make sure you give back as good as you got it and let him know how wonderful it feels. With a Cancer, you make love. He does not fuck~ its love. If he is really into you, the thrusts are deep and long. The greatest erogenous zone for Cancer is his chest. He will respond well to sucking and kissing his nipples. Gently tease them, slowly blow on them~ he will be putty in your hands. It might be 10pm when you start but it will 3am by the time you roll away from each other breathing rapid and deep trying to come back down from the high. One thing is for sure, you never have a sexual complaint with a Cancer.

   Once you cross over from friendship to bed friends, your battle is not won yet. Remain consistent. Keep the assurances flowing and the flirtations meaningful. Call him at work to say you were thinking about him and how good he felt inside you. Build trust with him and he will grow closer to you. When he comes home from work, you should ask him about his day. After you hug and soothe him then tell him it’s over, he’s home. He will let it go and curl up with you on the couch. Cancers are moody but those moods can easily be manipulated for the sanctity of the relationship. Never take advantage of a Cancer. He needs to know that while he can open up to you with everything, you will keep him in line.

   For better or for worse, your Cancer man will be the one you might just settle down with. He needs you to be loyal and faithful for he is the same. Cancer man is the most loyal of the astrology signs. He makes an excellent lover for a person who loves romance and being swept off their feet. As you dated, the love nest became a safe haven and you became equated with trust and safety. To a Cancer this is love and seduction all wrapped in one. You love to love him and he knows it. When you part for work he knows he is coming home to the love nest you created to have a warm and cozy night with you. The nights will round out with a sweet session of love and passion, then a blissful sleep. The Cancer man will give you the fairy tale if you will be his princess.

How To Seduce Cancer Woman

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   Often thought of as infuriating, Cancer woman is rather~ misread. It is best that before you proceed with your plans of seduction understand that she needs to be understood. At ALL times. She needs a partner who is going to understand that she is moody by nature. Though it may sound like she is upset with you, she is simply venting in general. She is sensitive but not only with herself but to those around her. Some would rather not put the work in and that is fine with her.She is one of those signs that doesn’t need, she has to want.

   Cancer woman is very cut and dry~ you can take her or leave her. That being said, it does not mean she is void of passion or emotion. It is quite the contrary. She may just as well be too passionate and emotional. She feels her way through life’s decisions and does not look back. So in order to seduce her, she needs to be in the mood. If she is in no mood to date, you won’t get to even knock on her door. 

   So how do you get Cancer woman in the mood? Be direct with your intent. She wants a partner who is not needy or greedy. For all her shyness and general reserve, she admires and appreciates a partner who is confident and forth-coming. If you are less than that and she finds out, you are cut off completely and irrevocably. Once a Cancer woman decides to have a partner if her life, whether it’s a booty call situation or a relationship, she takes it seriously. She likes parameters and would rather not have them changed without being mutually agreed upon.

   She will have no problem leaving you behind. It sounds harsh and it is, but for all that coldness, she has a burning desire. Cancer woman is a romantic. Once you get past her crab shell exterior, her interior is a sweet inferno. She loves romance and eroticism. She wants to be adored, loved and cared for. If you are looking for more than just a “friends with benefits” relationship then do everything you can to appeal to her emotional side. On your dates she needs to feel as if you see nothing but her. She needs to be secure in knowing that when she is with you, there is nowhere else you would rather be. Slipping in a few white lilies or roses as you are dating will always gain you her favor. Trust me; you want to gain her favor.

   Cancer woman is about the thought behind the action rather than the action itself. You happen to have purchased a silver bracelet with moons on it because she mentioned her natural affinity towards the celestial object. You have shown her you paid attention to what she says. You leave her a good morning note on her car after a date, and it shows you think about her. You surprise her with a candlelight dinner at your place and she will know you want her to get comfort-able because you are not going anywhere. The effort will have gained her trust and make her want to be with you more.

   She has a somewhat traditional view of dating. She would love to be properly courted. Though do not be surprised if she makes you chase her time and time again. It is how she weeds out the jerks and losers from the keepers. They get fed up and leave. A Cancer woman looks at each potential suitor as a potential partner, a permanent partner. No, she does not expect you to immediately marry her but she would like to know that if she wanted to you would.

   She will not expect you to want to marry her so soon in your relationship but you just might find yourself wanting to. Once you gain the affections of a Cancer woman you may not want to leave. She has both a domestic and maternal streak. No, she will not mother you but you will never have to want for anything at home. She will take care of the things you both need and you will wonder how you ever made it without her. Sometimes it is at this point where things go wrong for the Cancer woman.

   She is so supportive that she can be taken advantage of. As she slowly lets you in, you will see why those walls were up in the first place. Those who have taken advantage of her have scarred her deeply. The wounds may heal, but with a Cancer those scars never fade. This is why it is important to understand her. It sometimes seems as if she is making you pay for someone else’s discretions but that isn’t the case. She has it in her head that the only person who will protect her is herself.

   So yes, a Cancer woman is a little bit of work but once you have her it is worth it. Her passion rivals that of her Cardinal cousin Aries. She can be spontaneous and exciting. She would love deep and erotic love making sessions with kisses that make her head spin. You will never have to worry about her straying, Cancer woman is fiercely loyal. She won’t leave you high and dry like others left her.

   Do not let the harsh reality of her life deter you from wanting to be a part of it. She is certainly not letting it hold her back. She continues to move forward and wants someone to move forward with her. Give her a chance; understand her idiosyncrasies and you will be rewarded. You will have an amazing woman that will give you a life full of content and satisfaction. She will give you a relationship that is as exciting as it is stable. You will know a passion that could felt deep down in your bones and you will never forget how loved you are. So go ahead and crack open her shell then enjoy all the sweetness she has inside.

Cancer~ Colors of Power

cancer colors

   The ruling planet of Cancer is the Moon. This sign is considered to be the “Great Mother” of the heavens, according to ancient beliefs and in turn their main color is pure silver, grey or an elegant white, just like the moon.

   The color silver symbolizes peace and harmony and a sensible thinking mind. White is considered to be a passive color and instills a quality of peace and tranquility. Grey is the medium between white and black and will open doors to subtle mood changes. 

   Orange is also considered to be a lucky color for Cancers. Green and blue should be avoided by Cancer, as these colors will not produce fruitfulness.

   Ruby is the gemstone given to Cancer, and its red color is said to influence their character traits. Red has been documented to draw in success and enhance positive energy. The color is also associated with confidence, integrity and joy.

Cancer Beauty and Fashion Scope

cancer beauty   Cancer woman has a beauty that is ultra-feminine and soft. Her luminous eyes are often the first thing people notice about her, but she also has a wide smile and pretty lips, which can be played up through her makeup. She looks fantastic in pastel shades and light, shimmery tones of pearl. It has been said that Cancer woman has a light of light in her face, so she keeps her makeup light to match.

Following her ruling planet, Cancer woman’s makeup mood changes with the cycles of the Moon. She might use every artifice available on her dressing table to change her look completely, or just  go out bare faced. As a Moon child, the only cosmetic she really needs is sun block to preserve her milky complexion. Her eyes are extraordinary anyway, her  lips look plump with just a slick of lip gloss. Her hair is her crowning glory and she is likely to spend more on shampoo and conditioner than on foundation. She believes in the old rule of one hundred strokes with a brush every night.

In her earth mother phase, Cancer woman is all beads, blouses, and gypsy skirts. In her  nurturing business role, she is boardroom suits and sensible heels. In her romantic phase, she is the Queen of Lace. She changes roles almost effortlessly, completely unconscious of the effect she has on people. She is never forgotten, just like the Moon.

Not only her moods but her environment affects the way she looks. On the beach, with hair blowing free, barefoot and wrapped in a sarong, she might be a native; in the city, she blends in just as effortlessly, because she knows instinctively what is required. But always just beneath the surface, there is a sense of not quite wanting to conform. She will wear gold and diamonds on the beach, and  amazingly sexy underwear beneath that city suit.

She loves classic clothes with a twist, the twist that labels her as a fey moon maiden. A plain trench coat with a bright yellow lining, a slim bag that opens out to reveal myriad pockets, plain black court shoes with golden heels~ if it has a slight quirk, but otherwise looks timeless, she is loving it. Her favorite accessories are charm necklaces and  pearls.

Cancer woman prefers traditional outfits with an emphasis on femininity and comfort. She will choose flimsy organza over tight denim and loose silk over PVC leggings. Don’t be fooled by her apparently conservative fashion choices. She likes the touch of watery satin on her skin and will often wear a luxurious, matching set of lingerie beneath her conventional outerwear. She does not follow the latest craze emanating from the catwalks. Instead, she favors timeless labels and cuts. As every crab knows, trends are like tides, and they don’t last long.

Gemstones for Cancer


Loving, Intuitive, Cautious, Imaginative

Cancerians are unusual individuals but keenly aware of what sets them apart from the crowd. Dreams are an integral part of their world.

Cancerians have a need for security and will map out their future in extreme detail. They may spend a long time searching for their perfect partner, but once they have chosen, they look no further. In general, once someone is let into the innermost circle of a Cancerian, they will remain true to that person.

Protective Cancerians know how to wait, but don’t think them passive as they can be quite aggressive when they want something. They prefer not to make demands but rather expect others to understand their needs, sensitivities and diverse moods.

A strong bond of empathy with another is far more important to a Cancerian than reason or logic. They need deep, emotional bonds and to be able to trust and share their feelings. Cancerians may find it difficult to work or spend time with people with whom they have no bond or mutual understanding.

Many Cancerians have strange aspects to their personalities. Expression and release are important to them. If they keep their feelings bottled up they may be prone to stomach or intestinal maladies. Praise is important to Cancerians and they can show considerable ambition.


whats your sign gems


This gemstone teaches Cancers that one makes progress only by striving for the highest ideals. It forces them to stop daydreaming and to face reality.


Jade gives Cancers the confidence to trust in their feelings. A bit of jade kept in the pocket as a touchstone will provide a sense of security in difficult situations.


The Cancer who is beset by the anxiety and depression that come from holding too much inside should turn to olivine. It is also effective in treating skin disease and metabolic disorders.


This gemstone gives Cancer serenity and tolerance and stimulates both intuition and imagination. It is an antidote against the poison of hate and anger; it helps its possessor see that the world is a beautiful place. Its benign influence will enrich the lives of those born under the sign of the crab.


This stone strengthens one’s mental faculties. Its blue color helps Cancer keep a cool head in the midst of powerful emotions. It also encourages them to return to face the challenges from which they have retreated.


Its combination of pink and orange lends new strength to Cancer’s self-awareness. It opens their eyes to unimagined possibilities. Ordinarily, Cancer would dismiss these as untenable. But this attitude can lead to the dimming of one’s spiritual light. Rhodochrosite prevents that from happening.


This gem has a calming effect on Cancers. It helps them reach a balance between the conscious and unconscious spheres. It encourages them to strive for harmony and deepens their ability to connect with others.


Because of their luster and smoothness, pearls are natural symbols of beauty and perfection. They confer wisdom and sincerity on Cancer, helping to guard against danger. They also provide contentment in old age and moderate mood swings.


Opal impresses upon Cancer that they are entitled to their own feelings. This allows them to find a way through difficulties. It supports their striving for harmony.


Emerald provides Cancer with stability and alleviates mood swings. Its deep green reflects life’s meaningfulness. It absorbs negative vibrations and protects against them.

For more information or to learn more about these gems, please visit my other blog at

Cancer Man

cancer man



 Cancer man is usually of average to medium height with a sturdy build and broad shoulders. He usually has some good muscular mass with a full and wide chest build. His body structure is generally his most striking aspect, with his limbs-especially his arms-long in proportion to his body, with large hands and feet. He has a pale complexion and a round face with full cheeks and strong and distinctive cheekbones. A prominent forehead and brow gives him a very profound and penetrative look. His nose is short and perhaps upturned and he has a full, wide mouth with a charming grin. Cancer man’s eyes are usually small and round with an attractive blue or grey color. His hair is flowing, medium to dark in color. Every mood, emotion and fleeting response shows in his changing features.


 Ruled by emotions and matters of the heart, Cancer man is very affectionate, thoughtful and considerate of other’s feelings. He is passionate, volatile and exciting, and has an emotional strength which many find to be very attractive. Cancer man is a highly evolved individual who isn’t sensitive to his own emotions. He is intelligent, and can think outside-the-box and put his imagination to best use. He tends to have a strong creative force and takes great pleasure in expressing himself creatively. A born entertainer, he is fun and exciting to be around. He has a keen sense of humor and can send people rolling in laughter with the things he says. Cancer man is so kind-hearted that he would never hurt a soul. Caring and gentle, he takes great pride in helping others. His intuitive powers work as a great guiding force for him, more that logic, he relies on his gut feeling while making decisions. Cancer man has a natural tendency to look for the beauty and magnificence in everything he comes across.


 Cancer man remains in his “shell” most of the time and will only come out when he feels ready to face the world. This means that if he isn’t in the mood to handle a situation or take up a challenge, he simply won’t. Frequent bouts of mood swings is quite common for him. His energy level is easily affected by setbacks and failures. It is observed that he is prone to pessimism. Cancer man is a natural worrier and will often feel very concerned about uncertain circumstances. It is important that he gains the right balance in life so that he does not become consumed by worry. He tends to keep his emotions and thoughts closely guarded, so it is only natural that others think he is cold and inexpressive. Cancer man cannot stand rejection; he cares about how others perceive him and what they think of him. He is very suspicious and often doubts people’s intentions, as he has an imaginary fear that people are waiting to see him fumble. Because he is so sensitive, harsh words from others can hurt him deeply. Once he is hurt, he can hold a grudge forever. 


 Cancer man prefers a familiar lifestyle and surroundings over adventures and the thrill of change. Whatever his activities in leisure might be, he will enjoy them to the maximum. He enjoys spending time near the water and takes part in water sports like rowing, boating, swimming or fishing. He likes to collect things which talk about history, like photography, stamps, coins, books and even antique furniture. His interests consist of enhancing his life setting with curios, furniture for the house and garden, and interior decorating. Cancer man enjoys do-it-yourself crafts like gardening, and restoring old furniture. He likes to cook, especially his favorite dessert. To calm his mind and relax, he likes to play Sudoku and video games. Dishes, dusting, sweeping, hedge trimming and lawn mowing are also on his leisure activity list.


 When it comes to career, Cancer man likes structure and knowing where he is headed in life. He is dedicated and faithful in the job he is involved in. He is highly potential and very systematic in his work which keeps him in a high designation. He likes to feel valued and often has a career where he is giving something worth while. Cancer man is shrewd and cautious, he advances towards his goals step-by-step and on nearing it, he speeds up and reaches his destination. This makes him cut out for entrepreneurship and top-level management jobs, as he makes it a point to stay focused in order to accomplish the targets he has set. Whatever field he chooses to be in, one thing is for sure, he will not be there to feed his ego. Cancer man works because he likes to be financially secure and make his life as comfortable as possible.


 In friendship, Cancer man is a completely devoted friend who is very attached to his friends. However, he does not have a lot of friends, just a few that he knows can be fully trusted. He does not feel that he requires more friends than this, and does not look to make the numbers up just for the sake of it. Cancer man is regarded very highly by his friends as he is dependable, trustworthy and supportive. These are qualities which make him an excellent companion. His friends admire and love him for his decent mannerisms and ability to provide some comfort in moments of crisis. He is always at hand to help his friends whenever they are in need. He has a unique ability to sense the mental state of his friends and he behaves understandably. One of the greatest things about having Cancer man as a friend is his ability to make his friends feel good about themselves. This is a positive cycle because in making his friends feel good, he in return feels good about himself. Friendship with Cancer man can truly have a therapeutic effect.


 Cancer man is completely family oriented. He needs a harmonious and peaceful domestic domain as a source of energy in order to exploit his potential completely. He gives his family members first priority in his life. As a husband, Cancer man is sympathetic, selfless and generous with his love. He makes a faithful and supportive husband. He is the kind of husband who will tidy up the house, just so he can spend time with his family. As a father, Cancer man is very loving and caring. He makes for a gentle, sympathetic and understanding father, projecting exceptional patience, pride and protection toward his children. Fatherhood gives him a sense of duty and purpose. He is very attached to his children and will never vent his anger on them or even be harsh, as he cannot bare to see even a trace of pain on their faces. He is always at the beck and call of his children, however, he needs to be a shade more firm with them. He shines as a father, showering all his love and affection over his children.  Home and family are of the utmost importance to Cancer man and he can be fiercely protective of them. He regards his loved ones highly and likes to make sure that they are happy.


 Cancer man takes relationships very seriously, he is extremely loyal and provides his partner with security. When he falls in love, there are no games about it. Love for him is the emotional security net, a need that is above all. However, Cancer man does not fall in love easily. Once he decides to love, he will be extremely loyal and devoted, and will show his partner the utmost love and compassion. Cancer man makes for a gentle, sensitive, caring and loving mate, who is sensible and cautious, and loves to create a secure home and hearth. Love is “home” for him. In a relationship, he is very private, personal and exceedingly intimate. He craves a deep and meaningful relationship, being able to connect with someone on various levels is imperative. He wants a full union, needing lots of physical contact, emotional displays and reassurance. Cancer man is a very humble man with a warm heart-when he loves, he does it with everything he has. He will love his partner with his heart, mind, body and soul. When he loves someone, he will love and care for them without thinking twice. Once Cancer man feels secure and comfortable in the relationship, he will open up and expose his vulnerable interior that he tries so hard to hide from the world.   

 Cancer man is attracted to an intelligent, independent woman who already has her own life together. He likes a secure, cheerful and lively woman, who is confident but at the same time, always acts proper and appropriate. He is looking for a woman with a wide range of interests. His ideal woman is a woman who can make him laugh and think, who’s outwardly simple with layers of depth, and – most important – who’s always by his side when he needs her. He needs a woman who will understand his constant change in mood and his quirky ways. Cancer man wants to be with a woman who recognizes how deeply he feels, someone who is in tune with him-treats his feelings with care. Honesty is what he wants from his woman,  she should always be direct and genuine with him. Most importantly, Cancer man wants his woman to love the safety of a home and family.


 To Cancer man, sex is an expression of love and not simply a carnal act of pleasure. Sex to him, is only to be shared with someone who is close to his heart-he does not gain any true pleasure from one night stands. Love and sex are synonymous to Cancer man. When he makes love, he has to openly feel comfortable-emotionally and physically. The emotional fire power that can be aroused within him usually manifests itself as a series of wonderful fantasies and less as sexual acrobatics. He has many erotic fantasies where all his senses are stimulated. Foreplay is slow and meticulous, he will draw sex out for hours. Kisses, erotic confessions and caressing excites him. He is willing to experiment, not too keen on it and does not like extreme sexual situations, he prefers sex to be simple and wholesome. Cancer man will have sex anywhere, but is usually more inclined to stay at home. Having sex on the beach, in a pool or even overlooking the ocean will ignite passion for Cancer man. His favorite position is the 69, which affects his equilibrium, pleasing both parties simultaneously. He is a sensitive lover and will put his lover’s needs before his own. He will do anything it takes to keep his lover happy.  He is certainly the preliminary teacher and he knows everything about female anatomy. He is quite intuitive and can sense what his lover wants, resulting in a hot and spicy bedroom scene. In line with his shifting moods, sex with Cancer man is sure to be highly variable and dynamic.



All About Cancer


    Crabs live in the inter-tidal zone of the oceans, where tides rise and fall twice every day. This is the most dynamic and changeable place on Earth, but also the most nutrient rich. Because of the constant change, Cancer’s have developed a hard outer shell. Cancer’s can use the hard outer shell of their home for protection. But it’s more than just that. Typically, sensitive Cancer’s can hold their feelings quietly behind their walls. But it’s more than just that!

    Crabs also have large pinching claws and can hold onto things, especially from the past. They are fiercely loyal and have a difficult time letting go. But they are also quick to bring those they love inside the safety of their outer shell while they nurture them. Cancer’s love is protective, but unless tempered, can be smothering.

    Cancer’s motto should be, “A good defense is the best offense.” Like a crab in its cave, their attack can consist of baiting their opponent in their territory. What appears to be a retreat to others can be a Cancer’s best aggressive tactic. As they feel their way through life, building their security by developing their home and family relationships, they shouldn’t forget that unexpressed anger can turn into resentment and depression, so they should find someone they can trust and share their feelings with.


   Astrologically, the water element symbolizes emotion. Water runs deep; it seeks its own level and will flow until it has found it. The cycle of water is endless with the snows falling in the mountains and melting. The mountain streams join to make the great rivers that run to the sea. The tides and currents churn the oceans. Similarly, our feelings are flowing as they connect the present with past experiences. Sometimes the waters are so deep that we cannot put words to our feelings.

    The water of Cancer is that of the changing tides. Regular rhythms that bring food and nurture the creatures who live there. But this is also about the water of a smoothly surfaced lake. No movement is apparent, yet beneath the surface there is movement, currents and much hidden activity.


   The Fourth House is related to the mother. It is where we are nurtured, and takes in not only our real mother, but all those who nurture us-especially early in life. This is the house of childhood surroundings. It is where we retreat from the noise of the outer world.


   The Moon is always changing, not even the same two nights in a row. It races around the Earth once a month, and as such, we are familiar with her regularly repeating patters. Women’s menstrual cycles are naturally tied to the lunar rhythm, putting them in closer touch with the subconscious realms of the Moon. But to man and woman alike, the Moon is the key to our feelings and our emotional cycles. As the ruling planet of Cancer, the Moon symbolizes our basic needs-how we need to be nurtured and how we nurture others.

Biggest Strength: your ability to nurture others

Potential Weakness: fear of the past repeating in the future

More Cancer Personality


June 22-July 22

  • Fourth sign of the Zodiac
  • Symbol is the Crab
  • Ruled by the Moon
  • Element: Water
  • Cancer is one of the Zodiac’s enigmas.
  • Compassionate and caring with family, friends and lovers.
  • Extremely loyal to those who appreciate and support them.
  • They can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever changing moods.
  • Takes great pleasure in the comforts of home and family.
  • Maternal, domestic and loves to nurture others.
  • Cancers make excellent parents.
  • They are quick to retreat into their “shells” if it suits their mood.
  • Cancers are the first to laugh and first to cry.
  • Tenacious, strong-willed and like to get their way.
  • Ultimately motivated by protecting their home and loved ones.
  • Can be overly sensitive, easily hurt and prone to brooding.
  • Generally gifted with strong imaginations.
  • Requires constant encouragement and appreciation.
  • They are the ones to whom others turn with problems and worries.
  • The Crab, however, does have a hard time trusting people.
  • With their strong intuition, sensitivity and intelligence, they have success in anything they do.
  • Loves new adventures.
  • Cancers are meditative and have keen abilities to concentrate.
  • They make excellent parents.
  • Like their symbol, Cancers can appear hard and insensitive on the outside.
  • Sometimes Cancers let their emotions get the better of them.
  • They will defend their family, friends and lover to the bloody end.
  • At heart they are romantic and of a very loving disposition.
  • They don’t need the glitz and glamor of love to feel satisfied.
  • Imagination in love and intimacy is never a problem.
  • They are truly committed to their relationships and are completely loyal to their lovers.
  • Innovative best describes Cancers sexual nature.