Cusp Astrology

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 In astrology, a cusp is the “dividing line” that separates a pair of consecutive signs in the Zodiac. In astrology, a cusp is the dividing line that separates a pair of consecutive signs in the zodiac. It is the period of time between two signs in the Zodiac where they overlap.  It is possible for the Sun to straddle two signs as it moves across the sky. When this occurs at the moment of birth such a person is said to be “born on the cusp” and some believe that their life is influenced by the characteristics of both signs. The cusp is when the Sun is in the last five degrees as it exits, or the first five degrees as it enters a sign. This works out to be somewhere between the last five days of one sign and the first five days of another.


How Does Being Born on the Cusp Affect Me?

  Being born on the cusp of two signs means that a person can have influences from both signs. How influential each sign is depends on the actual time and place the person was born. The closer that person is to the moment of the transition, the more balanced the influence of the signs will be. The further the person was born from the moment of transition, then the more one sign will influence than the other.

  If a person was born on a cusp, sometimes the descriptions of only one sign might not sound completely accurate. The individual might feel a little different from other people who share their sign. General horoscopes will always be slightly off. To make sense of their personality, the individual has to look at both signs.

  Being born on the cusp not only means that an individual falls under the sign of their date of birth, but also shares traits with the neighboring sign. This isn’t a bad thing, in fact, one sign’s weakness may end being that person’s strength.



Aries/Taurus ~ April 19th to April 23rd

The Cusp of Power


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Taurus/Gemini ~ May 19th to May 23rd

The Cusp of Energy 


Gemini/Cancer ~ June 19th to June 23rd

The Cusp of Magic 


Cancer/Leo ~ July 19th to July 23rd

The Cusp of Oscillation 


Leo/Virgo ~ August 19th to August 23rd

The Cusp of Exposure


Virgo/Libra ~ September 19th to September 23rd

The Cusp of Beauty


Libra/Scorpio ~ October 19th to October 23rd

The Cusp of Drama and Criticism


Scorpio/Sagittarius ~ November 19th to November 23rd

The Cusp of Revolution


Sagittarius/Capricorn ~ December 19th to December 23rd

The Cusp of Prophecy


Capricorn/Aquarius ~ January 19th to January 23rd

The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination


Aquarius/Pisces ~ February 19th to February 23rd

The Cusp of Sensitivity


Pisces/Aries ~ March 19th to March 23rd

The Cusp of Rebirth




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