Esoteric Meaning of Capricorn

capricorn esoteric   All souls come into incarnation in the sign Cancer. By this I mean that the very first human incarnation was always taken in this sign which has been recognized down the ages as “the doorway into life of those who must know death,” just as the constellation Capricorn is ever regarded as another door and is called esoterically the “doorway into life of those who know           not death.”

   In Capricorn, the will nature arrives at fulfillment and a visioned goal is reached. In Capricorn, the man reaches either the height of personal ambition or he becomes the initiate, attaining his spiritual objective. The difference between these two goals depends upon the mode of progression around the wheel of life. God’s idea in Aries becomes the concrete plan in Capricorn.  Capricorn, the “birthplace of the Christ,” the place of the “second birth” and the scene for the emergence of the fifth kingdom in nature when the right time comes. In this sign, the initiate comes into a spiritual awareness.

   Capricorn opens the door into the Hierarchy in a higher aspect.  Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality. Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion, and of this the mountain top is frequently (though not always) the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life cycle is not possible. This sign is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically “periodic arresting.” Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place. Capricorn is, as a consequence of all the above, the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn. 

   Capricorn admits the soul into conscious participation in the life of that world centre which we call the Hierarchy. It is only on the reversed zodiac that the man learns to pass with equally conscious purpose through the gate of Capricorn. In Capricorn we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn but also immense spiritual possibilities. 

   In Capricorn, the initiate learns to realize the meaning of the growing light which greets his progress as he climbs upward to the mountain top. The flashes of intuition with which he is becoming familiar change into the blazing and constant light of the soul, irradiating the mind and providing that point of fusion which must ever be the “fusion of the two lights, the greater and the lesser light.” The light of the personality and the light of the soul blend. 

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