Gemini Poem

gemini poem 7


Two souls live in you, heavenly twins
Which one are you showing of your two sides?
Is it darkness? Is it light?
There’s so much more than within sight
Heaven’s twins, walking among the stars.

Good talker you are, communicator
Your speech always clever
Witty, your interests are hard to bind
Lover of challenges and games of mind
Heaven’s twins, they are walking among the stars.

Appreciating the written word
Traveling places of this world
But Gemini, don’t stretch too thin
Not just this and that of ev’rythin’
It’s the heaven’s twins, walking among the stars.

Thus, oh twins, hear me well
And heavens shall be yours to dwell:
Dive not into much, but dive deeply
And of your father you will be worthy
Watch the heaven’s twins, walking among the stars.

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